Portable water-blower Pegase Cierzo. Very light and easy to carry for...
Teases Through Tangles Like Magic – The conical tips make quick work of...
Teases Through Tangles Like Magic – The conical tips make quick work of...
Teases Through Tangles Like Magic – The conical tips make quick work of...
Teases Through Tangles Like Magic – The conical tips make quick work of...
Choose our New Ultra Light Grooming Table! Designed especially for...
Cette lotion chat Vivog est à base d'Aloe Véra, Allantoïne, extraits de...
Accessoires pour des expositions canines
Very lightweight backpack with great storage capacity and security.
Dog Pocket for treats with fixation on hand, ideal for dog shows... size 9*7.5 cm
Dog Treat pocket on the belt, ideal for dog shows... size 11*12 cm
Spacious and padded tool and cosmetic bag is the ideal choice for traveling to dog shows. It is made of premium materials that ensure high durability. Dimensions: 40 x 26 x 28 cm. This bag comes with a shoulder strap.
Small handy organizer for small tools is an indispensable helper for exhibition lovers. Inside there are 4 separate compartments, compartment size 20 x 10 cm. Size when unfolded - 22*52 cm Size when folded only - 22*12*12 cm
Armband with transparent pocket to put your participant's number, 12*16 cm
Luxury soft sided grooming bag made from water and hair resistant material has 6 internal pockets along with 4 elastic loops to keep bottles upright. The zipped lid contains 8 elastic loops and the zipped front pocket contains 8 elastic loops for brushes, stripping knives or other tools.
Top quality stainles steel feeding pails from Show Tech. Special flat side to hang onto on any cage.
Squeaky Mouse toy specially recommended for use in the show ring. Made from rabbit fur with built in squeaker it is small enough to fit easily in a pocket and is guaranteed to hold your dog's attention in the ring.
Dog breeds such as Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, mastiffs and Pyrenean Mountain dogs are known to drool a lot. Show Tech+ has designed the Slobber Stopper especially for them!