Dog Treadmills

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Dog Treadmills

Dog Treadmills for the best condition your dog

Dog Treadmills There are 2 products.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • 940,17 EUR In Stock

    The dogPACER™ dog treadmill was designed with careful precision.  It can hold dogs from 1 kg to 80 kg and it has patented folding technology  making it extremely light and portable.  A lot of design time and testing went into creating the perfect treadmill for your dog and we accomplished  just that.

    940,17 EUR
    In Stock
  • 849,42 EUR In Stock
    1 Review(s)

    The Minipacer dog treadmill has been engineered with the smaller dog and smaller spaces in mind. Don't let the size fool you. The Minipacer dog  treadmill is built from carbon steel and can support dogs up to 25 kg. Features: Customized Programs and the Minipacer dog treadmill is  completely portable making indoor exercise a breeze.

    849,42 EUR
    In Stock
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items